Pract The Facts Lesson Plan

Pract The Facts Lesson Plan OutlineWhat is Practical Learning Online?

Practical learning online is a web site that promotes learning through critical thinking. The purpose of the site is to give the students and users the skills needed to find relevance in the information they are exposed too on a daily basis so they can make good decisions both academically and in life.


How do you define critical thinking

I like the definition which revolves around thinking about thinking.  It has been described in more detail as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action".

When you take this definition and apply it to our site it means making the information you receive practical to your life situation. To do this we have undertaken this philosophy:

  1.      Determine if the information is relevant to you.
  2.      Do the research to determine if the information is accurate.
  3.      Determine how you will react or use this information. What decisions will    you make based on the information?

These concepts make up what we call the ability to Pract The Facts!



To teach the student the following:

  1. What it means to Pract The Facts.
  2. Sources of Information.
  3. The key principles of Pract The Facts.
  4. Why it is important to do research before making a decision.

Click the link below to download the PowerPoint presentation

Pract The Facts Lesson Plan PowerPoint Presentation

Pract The Facts Lesson Plan Quiz


Key Words


Pew Research

Accurate information


Discussion Questions:

Why is it important to do research in the decision making process?

Do you agree or disagree that the information you see on the news is not always accurate. Why or why not?

What does it mean to Pract The Facts?

Why do you think more people under 30 use the Internet to get their information?

Discuss what questions you would ask to determine if information is relevant to you.



UC San Diego Experts Calculate How Much Information We Consume




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