Do We Need To Raise The Minimum Wage?

There is an ongoing debate over the rasing of the minimum wage. The video below presents one such debate. Of course those who are making a minimum wage are for the increase...on the other hand some of those who would have to pay the increased wage are against it. The video below is an example of the current discussion on this issue.Let's Pract The Facts!




Pract The Facts below in the comments section...and consider the following in your post:


1. Which side of the argument are you on based on how the minimum wage affects you.

2. Why is it good to raise or keep the minimum wage the same based on your personal situation?

3. Why would it be good for the economy to raise or leave the wage the same?

4. Provide support for you position with the use of references and documented examples.

Remember If you can't support it don't post it!


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